
Sole Proprietorship

GH₵ 450
  • Business Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN)
  • Registration Fee – GHS 100
  • Business Registration Certificate
  • Free 20 minutes Pre-registration consulting
  • 10% discount on all follow-up services

Company Limited by Shares

GH₵ 1,300
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Incorporation fee – GHS 450
  • Stamp Duty (based on capital of up to GHS 5000)
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company

Company Limited by Guarantee (NGO)

GH₵ 1,250
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Incorporation fee – GHS 430
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate and company Constitution

Company Limited by Shares - Services

$ 5,450
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Temporary Office Address
  • Temporary Postal Address
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Incorporation fee – USD 60
  • Stamp Duty – USD 2,500
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate, Form 3 and company Constitution
  • Auditor’s consent for bank account opening
  • Corporate Bank account opening
  • Free 20 minutes pre-incorporation consulting
  • 10% discount of all follow-up services

Company Limited by Shares-Trading/Import

$ 10,450
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Temporary Office Address
  • Temporary Postal Address
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Incorporation fee – USD 60
  • Stamp Duty – USD 5,000
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate, Form 3 and company Constitution
  • Auditor’s consent for bank account opening
  • Corporate Bank account opening
  • Free 20 minutes pre-incorporation consulting
  • 10% discount of all follow-up services

Company Limited by Shares-Manufacturing

$ 1,000
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Temporary Office Address
  • Temporary Postal Address
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Incorporation fee – USD 60
  • Stamp Duty – 250
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate, Form 3 and company Constitution
  • Auditor’s consent for bank account opening
  • Corporate Bank account opening
  • Free 20 minutes pre-incorporation consulting
  • 10% discount of all follow-up services

Company Limited by Guarantee (NGO)

$ 700
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Temporary Office Address
  • Temporary Postal Address
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Incorporation fee – USD 60
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate, Form 3 and company Constitution
  • Auditor’s consent for bank account opening
  • Corporate Bank account opening
  • Free 20 minutes pre-incorporation consulting
  • 10% discount of all follow-up services

External Company/Liaison - Representative office

$ 1,850
  • Company Name Search
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for all directors and shareholders
  • Auditor consent letter
  • Temporary Office Address
  • Temporary Postal Address
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Incorporation fee – USD 60
  • Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) for the company
  • Incorporation certificate, Form 3 and company Constitution
  • Auditor’s consent for bank account opening
  • Corporate Bank account opening
  • Free 20 minutes pre-incorporation consulting
  • 10% discount of all follow-up services
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